Meeting Time: September 15, 2020 at 9:00am PDT

Agenda Item

True North Housing Alliance, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting individuals in their efforts to achieve self-sufficiency and a more stable lifestyle. For over 15 years, True North Housing Alliance, Inc. has operated the Torres Community Shelter providing shelter and related social services to those experiencing homelessness in the community. Services at the Torres Community Shelter utilize peer partners to provide support to shelter guests who are experiencing mental illness. The goal is to increase the shelter guests' ability to effectively partake in services, decrease stigma around mental health issues, reinforce stable and secure housing, and guide shelter guests towards self-sufficiency. Under the agreement, measurable goals for the fiscal year include assisting a minimum of 173 consumers in gaining employment and assisting a minimum of 277 individuals in transitioning to housing. The Department of Behavioral Health recommends entering into an agreement with True North Housing Alliance, Inc. for the provision of peer-based services to homeless individuals through client support and mental health outreach services, to shelter guests experiencing mental illness. The term of the agreement is date of execution through June 30, 2021, not-to-exceed $101,400. (Behavioral Health)