Damian Mrakuzic about 3 years ago

All I can tell you is that about 35 years ago I was heavy into my addiction with drugs in Chico and free needles only led to using more of finding ways to get money to get more drugs. It's a BAD idea. Don't give junkies free needles, all you are doing is helping them stay addicted.

3 Votes Created
WILLIAM Monroe about 3 years ago

A true needle exchange, managed by the health department is a good idea. One used needle for a free new one. This gives the Health care providers the chance to speak with addicts to help them access treatment and to receive Narcan for potential OD issues. I agree that "Handing our free needles" is not the best path although it is what the State Health Department promotes based on studies in reducing HIV and Hep C. Politicizing "Needles" as has happened in Butte County is not productive. Bill Monroe RN, Retired Aids Certified RN
